I recently accepted a position at Herzing University-Akron, and I plan to pursue my bachelor's degree within the next year. I love Herzing.
Marquita Starks
Akron Campus
Everyone truly demonstrated Herzing’s P.R.I.C.E. model and will help you when you need it!
Phillip Patterson
Birmingham Campus
I heard about Herzing University through a family member. I went to the nursing information session and loved how the process was so different from…
Michelle Castleberry
Atlanta Campus
I completed my bachelor’s in engineering which gave me basic technical knowledge in my career, and I considered getting a graduate degree in the…
Israr Hakim
Atlanta Campus
Going back to school taught me so much about myself, and made me a better leader for my students.
Karen Perez
Madison Campus
I decided to pursue another industry after leaving the military. I came to Herzing to learn more about the ins and outs of Cybersecurity.
Shon Westfall
Atlanta Campus
My advice to students is to take it one step at a time. Don't get discouraged and set unreasonable expectations for yourself. Life is going to happen…
April Christine Lam
Online Campus
I learned not to let anyone take away my confidence and I want students to feel the same way.
Dr. Britney Snipes
Online Campus
I have been an RN for 28 years in Medical Surgical Nursing and Pediatrics and have been teaching for 8 years. I truly enjoy watching the students be…
Lynn Mellenthien, MSN, RN - Milwaukee/Brookfield Campus
Brookfield/Milwaukee Campus
While I was always interested in health and fitness, I never dreamed I would have such a passion for nursing. It’s an exciting career field, and…
Elizabeth Donathan
Online Campus
My advice to future students is to study diligently and continue your education even after the program ends.
Andrea Gonzalez
Online Campus
Choosing an education in business was my first big stepping stone toward reaching my dreams. Next up for me is continuing my education even more.
Eric Sample
Online Campus
If you’re looking to study at Herzing, do it. Once you get started you won’t regret it!
Savannah Nelson
Online Campus
My legal classes were amazing, and I was able to do things at my own pace. My advice for students is to follow your heart. This field requires a lot…
Shawna Hines
Online Campus
Legal Studies
I jumped right in, and I’m so glad I did – the experience was awesome!
Sara Lavey
Online Campus
The faculty and staff were very supportive, and they helped me overcome my homesickness while also teaching me and helping me prepare for a…
Augustya Thota
Atlanta Campus
Through hard work, dedication, and a little help from God, I landed a job before even graduating.
Lakendra Jones
Online Campus
I wanted a degree program where I could learn more of the business side of healthcare and apply what I already knew from previous experience.
Delisa Rawlins
Orlando Campus
Once I finished the program, I’m proud to say that I got a job in my field right away!
Sandra Koch
Online Campus
Adjusting to online classes was somewhat challenging, but the instructors were very helpful and responsive. They would also make time to see me if I…
Tina Olson
Brookfield/Milwaukee Campus
I come from a family of nurses and I find the profession very rewarding. Friends who attended Herzing University told me how good the nursing program…
Donnalee Fulton
Birmingham Campus