I have questions about the FAFSA
There are new changes in place to make the FAFSA process easier. We have created the FAFSA Simplification FAQ to help you prepare for these changes. Visit the FAFSA Simplification FAQ for more information.
You will want to begin by creating an FSA ID. An FSA ID is your username and password for filling out your FAFSA application and your electronic signature for signing and submitting the FAFSA.
For a walkthrough on how to complete the most recent FAFSA, please use this link http://studentaid.gov/apply-for-aid/fafsa/filling-out
Related Questions
If you have no contact with your parents and don’t know where they live, or you’ve left home due to an unsafe situation, fill out the FAFSA form and then immediately get in touch with the financial aid office
Due to the IRS allowing for extensions, the previous year's tax information is sometimes unavailable. Using prior prior year will allow more students and families to complete the FAFSA using income information imported directly from the IRS because the taxes will have already been filed and processed.
For Example, if you were married in 2022 and the FAFSA requires 2020 taxes, you still are required to add your spouse's information from the 2020 tax year.
If you have not completed the FAFSA, your Married/Divorced status is based on the day you fill out the FAFSA.
The first campus approved to use Federal Aid was in Madison, Wisconsin. Because of this, any campus established after this will use the Madison campus as the parent campus.
• You are a U.S. citizen or eligible non-citizen.
• You have a valid social security number. (Exceptions include residents from the Republic of the Marshall Islands, Federated States of Micronesia, or the Republic of Palau).
• You have a high school diploma, GED, or have passed an exam approved by the U.S. Department of Education.
• You are enrolled or accepted for enrollment as a regular student working toward a degree or certificate in an eligible program at or through Herzing University.
• You must not owe a refund on a federal grant or be in default on a federal student loan.
• You must demonstrate financial need (except for unsubsidized Stafford Loans)
The FAFSA Submission Summary page is provided at the end of the FAFSA application. It shows the information you and your contributor(s) provided on the FAFSA form, your Student Aid Index (SAI), and your Data Release Number (DRN). Review your FAFSA Submission Summary page carefully to make sure that all information is correct. Once your form has been processed, you can make any corrections by logging back into your studentaid.gov account.
Your Financial Aid Advisor may require you to provide your Data Release Number. This request will be made through the documents section of your Financial Aid Portal.
The FAFSA becomes available on October 1 each year. We recommend that all students complete the FAFSA as soon as it is available.
I have questions about contact information
For security purposes, please do not send your social security card to your financial aid advisor without discussing it with them first. We will add a needed document to your financial aid portal for secure upload.
Please do not let notifications go unanswered because you do not understand what they mean, when in doubt, set up an appointment, email, or call us.
If your address is incorrect in your student portal follow these steps through HerzingConnect:
1. Navigate to My Profile > My Information. The My Information page is displayed. By default, the Personal tab is selected.
2. Click Edit. The Personal tab is displayed in edit mode. Items marked with an asterisk are required.
3. Modify the editable details.
4. Click each of the following fields and perform steps 2 through 4 to update relevant information:
Additional Information (in school defined fields)
5. Click Save. All edits in the My Information page are saved.
Login to your Herzing Connect site http://applyherzing.force.com/s/login/.
Click on "My Application" in the top row of options then click on "advising team".
Once in the Advising team section of Herzing Connect, there will be a link for your advisor's Calendly Calendar. Please choose the "quick connect" meeting type at a time that is good for you.
Email your advisor:
Login to your Herzing Connect site http://applyherzing.force.com/s/login/.
Click on "My Application" in the top row of options then click on "advising team".
Once in the Advising team section of Herzing Connect, you can view your advisors email
You can also reach your Financial Aid Advisor by phone at 866-508-0748 option 2
Related Questions
If you have forgotten who your advisor is or think you have gotten a new advisor, Login to your Herzing Connect site http://applyherzing.force.com/s/login/.
Click on "My Application" in the top row of options then click on "advising team".
Every assigned advisor you have will be listed there.
Login to your Herzing Connect site http://applyherzing.force.com/s/login/.
Click on "My Application" in the top row of options then click on "advising team".
Once in the Advising team section of Herzing Connect, there will be a link for your advisor's Calendly Calendar as well as their email.
For appointments, choose the "quick connect" meeting type at a time that is good for you.
I have questions about needed documents
Related Questions
Acceptable documentation includes the DD-214 Member 4 or Service 2, the most recent Leave and Earning Statement (LES) or a copy of the student's active duty orders.
There are two ways of completing your Proof of Identity/Statement of Educational Purpose (SEP form).
The first option is to make an appointment at any Herzing location to complete the form in person.
The second option is to take the document to a notary. You will fill out the first full page in front of the Notary and they will complete the second page. If you use this option, you will need to mail the original to Herzing University at the address at the bottom of page 2.
In the needed document area, the reason for the student statement will be listed. Please review what your advisor has asked you to explain and contact them for any additional assistance.
You can only remove the textbooks at the beginning of the semester and before you validate your books in the bookstore.
In some cases, a credit (more funds than what is needed for tuition and fees) can appear on your student account, and your answers on this form tell us what you would like us to do with that credit.
Answering "Yes" to these questions allows Herzing to apply a credit that may occur on your student account towards certain future charges. It will not affect your stipend, it will just prevent a potential payment plan. It also allows Herzing to reduce your overall loan balance by returning federal loans no longer needed due to a schedule change or revision back to the lender. This will reduce your overall loan debt.
Answering "no" to the questions tells us that you wish us to send any credit back to you, regardless of any future charges. This option may require additional loan funding or a payment plan in the future to pay for uncovered charges.
The Entrance Counseling is a short course about Federal Loan funding and other programs. If you have completed it at a previous school, you are not required to do it again.
To complete the entrance counseling, go to: http://studentaid.gov/entrance-counseling/
For undergraduates and graduates using Subsidized and Unsubsidized loan funding, please complete the Entrance Counseling for Subsidized/Unsubsidized Loans found in the Undergraduate section or chosen in the Graduate Section.
When doing the course, they will ask if you want to notify a school. Please search for Herzing in the state of Wisconsin under the city of Madison.
The first campus approved to use Federal Aid was in Madison, Wisconsin. Because of this, any campus established after this will use the Madison campus as the parent campus.
• The federal government flagged a student for what is called Unusual Enrollment History. In this situation, we need the transcripts to verify the grades earned at schools attended in prior years.
• Using certain military benefits. The VA requires schools to collect transcripts to ensure students are using benefits for the same class only once.
• Eligibility for specific State or other funding sources.
If you are unsure of the reason for the transcript request, you should contact your Financial Aid Advisor.
The MPN is your agreement with the Federal Government to pay back the Federal Loans. It is good for a total of 10 years if it is used, 1 year if not used, and must be completed again if it expires.
The MPN can be completed by going to this link: http://studentaid.gov/mpn/
For undergraduates and graduates using Subsidized and Unsubsidized loan funding, please complete the MPN for Subsidized/Unsubsidized Loans. This one can be found in the Undergraduate section, or chosen in the Graduate Section.
For Graduate students who have used up their Unsubsidized loan eligibility or want to use only Grad Plus loans, please log into the Graduate section and select the PLUS MPN.
When completing the MPN, they will ask you if you want to notify a school. Please search for Herzing in the state of Wisconsin under the city of Madison. The first campus that was approved to use Federal Aid was in Madison, Wisconsin. Because of this, any campus established after this will use the Madison campus as the parent campus.
Please upload a copy of your most recent pay stub, a copy of your ID badge that shows an expiration date, or you can email your financial aid advisor from your work email.
Not everyone is selected for verification, and not everyone has to verify the same items.
If you have been selected for verification, Herzing must obtain additional information to process your financial aid application. Please log into the Financial Aid Site using your individual Username and Password to view the required documents. The Financial Aid Site will list the status of your documents, including those needed for verification.
Related Questions
To Begin - Navigate to the document section of the student portal.
Click on "review and update" under the requested Verification Worksheet document.
Related Questions
Usually, you do not need your tax transcripts; we can use your 1040. If you use the 1040, please make sure that you attach Schedule 1, 2 or 3 if they were part of the return. Please keep in mind that your Financial Aid Advisor may request additional information if needed
The FAFSA uses what is called Prior/Prior year tax information. That means the taxes used for the FAFSA aren't from last year but the year before. For example, the 2023-2024 FAFSA uses the 2021 taxes, not the 2022 taxes. You will see this listed in the documents section of the portal.
There are two ways of completing your Proof of Identity/Statement of Educational Purpose (SEP form).
The first option is to make an appointment at any Herzing location to complete the form in person.
The second option is to take the document to a notary. You will fill out the first full page in front of the Notary and they will complete the second page. If you use this option, you will need to mail the original to Herzing University at the address at the bottom of page 2.
Related Questions
U.S. Passport;
Driver’s license;
Non-driver’s identification card;
Other state-issued ID;
Permanent Resident Card or Resident Alien Card (I-551, can be photocopied for Title IV purposes);
Certificate of Naturalization if it contains a recognizable photo, even though it does not have an expiration date;
Inmate ID from a government facility, even if it does not have an expiration date; or
State-issued voter ID, even if it does not have an expiration date.
The following documents are not acceptable for completing verification:
A government-issued photo ID from a foreign country not previously listed;
Military IDs, because there is a general prohibition on photocopying military IDs;
Student IDs, not even those issued by state schools; or
Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program IDs (SNAP IDs) with or without a picture because they should not be photocopied.
The Department of Education does not require that an ID have a date. However, if there is a date, it must not be expired. If your ID is expired, you may use a different approved ID, or you will have to get your existing ID renewed.
Please mail to:
Herzing University
ATTN: Financial Aid Department
275 W. Wisconsin Ave., Ste. 210
Milwaukee, WI 53203
Before mailing, we recommend scanning or taking a picture of both pages to upload to your Financial Aid Documents section. We also recommend mailing with a tracking number.
By completing the document before a Notary Public, you are ensuring that your identity is confirmed.
Notaries can be found in a variety of places. The most common locations would be UPS stores, libraries, banks, AAA, or law firms. You can use this link to assist you in your search: http://www.nationalnotary.org/resources-for/public/find-a-notary
Online notaries are not allowed to be used. National leaders in financial aid administration have clarified with the Department of Education that they do not recognize online notaries as acceptable for this document.
If you are a student currently taking classes, failure to submit documentation could result in a payment plan being put in place to cover the cost of your tuition. If we don't have a way to pay for tuition, your account could get locked and the progress you have made in classes will slow.
In some cases, a credit (more funds than what is needed for tuition and fees) can appear on your student account, and your answers on this form tell us what you would like us to do with that credit.
Answering "Yes" to these questions allows Herzing to apply a credit that may occur on your student account towards certain future charges. It will not affect your stipend; it will just prevent a potential payment plan. It also allows Herzing to reduce your overall loan balance by returning federal loans that are no longer needed due to a schedule change or revision back to the lender. This will reduce your overall loan debt.
Answering "no" to the questions tells us you wish us to send any credit back to you, regardless of future charges. This option may require additional loan funding or a payment plan in the future to pay for uncovered charges.
Find the document requested. In the lower right-hand corner, you will see "review and update"; click there and the box will open up.
In the lower left hand of the opened box, you will see a blue box with an upward arrow that says "Upload a Form"; click that and follow the prompts to move forward. If your document requires an electric signature, it will ask you to enter your name and student ID number.
Some students with an unusual enrollment history have legitimate reasons for attending multiple schools. However, the enrollment history requires the Financial Aid Office to review your file to determine future Federal financial aid eligibility. If selected by the Department of Education, this must be resolved before you will receive financial aid.
Related Questions
If you can't get the required documents, please contact your financial aid advisor right away to discuss the next steps.
Many schools will allow you to download a copy of the transcripts right from your student portal. Sometimes, calling your previous school's registration department may be necessary. If your last school is closed, please let your Financial Aid Advisor know to get your next steps.
Official Transcripts
Transcripts must be sent directly from your former institution to Herzing University to be deemed official. Transcripts can be sent electronically to registrar@xyschool.net or via mail to:
Herzing University Registrar's Office
275 W Wisconsin Ave Ste. 210,
Milwaukee, WI 53203
Unofficial Transcripts
If you would like to have your unofficial transcripts reviewed, email them directly to your admissions advisor or info@xyschool.net.
A 1098-T tax document is a form that gets sent to most students giving a breakdown of tuition for use in the preparation of taxes. This document is sent to students by the end of January each year, and will not be sent before that time.
Students will be mailed a physical copy to the address on file, they also can obtain it through the ECSI website at http://heartland.ecsi.net.
When the 1098-T forms are ready, students will receive an email notification.
Funding Options
What are my funding options?
Related Questions
Your financial aid package will be reviewed by your financial aid advisor for accuracy and then will send you an offer notification with what funding you are eligible for.
If you want to increase your loans to receive excess funding (stipend), you will need to get in touch with your financial aid advisor and discuss your options. We want to ensure that you understand what increasing your loans will do to your repayment in the future.
If you don't receive communications from your lender, you can find out who they are by going to the National Student Data System, http://nslds.ed.gov/nslds/nslds_SA/—using the same login as your FAFSA. NSLDS will give you information on all of your federal funds in one place.
For undergraduate students, the interest rate for Direct Subsidized Loans and Direct Unsubsidized Loans is 4.99%.
For graduate or professional students, the interest rate for Direct Unsubsidized loans is 6.54%
If you received loans before July 1, 2022, your interest rates can be found here: http://studentaid.gov/understand-aid/types/loans/interest-rates#older-rates
The interest rate will also be listed in your account with your loan servicer.
Alternative loans are loans from private sources, like your bank or a national bank. Herzing has relationships with a number of banks where the funds will come directly to the school to pay for your tuition. Please use this link for more information on Alternative loans: http://pab1.xyschool.net/files/StudentLoansInfoSheet_1119_LR.pdf
PLUS loans enter repayment once your loan is fully disbursed (paid out). If you have received a PLUS loan as a graduate or professional student, the loans go into automatic deferment. This deferment means you won’t have to pay while you’re in school and are enrolled at least half-time. The deferment continues for an additional six months after you leave school or drop below half-time enrollment status.
If you’re a parent PLUS loan borrower, you can ask for a deferment. This deferment means you won’t have to pay on the loan while your child is enrolled at least half-time and for an additional six months after your child leaves school or drops below half-time status.
If you’ve started repaying your loans and then go back to school on at least a half-time basis, Herzing will send an automatic deferment to your lender for federal loans.
If you have loans from a private source, outside of federal loans, please refer to your individual loan agreement with your lender.
Related Questions
The PSLF Program forgives the remaining balance on your Direct Loans after you have made 120 qualifying monthly payments under a qualifying repayment plan while working full-time for a qualifying employer.
For more information visit http://studentaid.gov/pslf/
If you wish to navigate repayment on your own, we recommend starting with your lender. The lender will have resources on how to begin the repayment process through their website.
If you’re no longer required to make payments on your loans due to your job, this is generally called forgiveness or cancellation.
If you’re no longer required to make payments on your loans due to other circumstances, such as a total and permanent disability or the closure of the school where you received your loans, this is generally called discharge.
It’s important to remember that outside of the circumstances that may qualify you to have your loans forgiven, canceled, or discharged, you remain responsible for repaying your loan—whether or not you complete your education, find a job related to your program of study, or are happy with the education you paid for with your loan. Even if you were a minor (under the age of 18) when you signed your promissory note or received the loan, you are still responsible for repaying your loan.
For more in-depth information of loan forgiveness, Please go to: http://studentaid.gov/manage-loans/forgiveness-cancellation
Contact your Student Services Advisor or Financial Aid Advisor to discuss your situation.
Related Questions
You may even be able to request an adjustment to the information included on your FAFSA. Go to http://pab1.xyschool.net/tuition-financial-aid/types-financial-aid/exceptional-circumstances for more information and to apply today.
You are not required to use the lenders listed on this website and may work with any bank you wish. You will need to notify your Financial Aid Advisor once you are approved for an alternative loan.
Please keep in mind that clicking on a link will open another tab. If you need further assistance, please navigate back to this tab
Grant funding that comes from the Federal Government is automatically awarded to a student based on the FAFSA information supplied. The most common type of Federal Grant funding is the Pell Grant. The Pell Grant can be received for Undergraduate programs for students who have not earned a bachelor's degree or have used 12 full-time semesters of Pell Grant in the past.
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This notification does not mean that funds are coming to you; it only means that the funding has come into the school to pay down your tuition and fees.
Students will be paid their Federal Work-Study earnings every two weeks. Please contact the Financial Aid Department at the campus for wage information, positions available, and more information about the Federal Work-Study program.
All students who apply for federal financial aid are required to fill out the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA).
Eligibility for the program is based on your financial need that is calculated on the FAFSA and the need for student employment at your Herzing campus.
1. Never pay money to apply for a scholarship.
2. Search for scholarships in your field of study and anything unique to yourself as a student.
3. Ask your employer if they offer any scholarship or reimbursement program.
4. Contact local organizations you are involved with: religious organizations, local corporations, ethnic organizations, and community or government organizations.
You can find these and links to scholarship search guides by clicking here: http://pab1.xyschool.net/sites/default/files/2021-09/ScholarshipGuide_LR.pdf
The consequences of defaulting can not only impact your ability to borrow but can impact your finances as well. Consequences include the following:
You lose eligibility for additional federal student aid.
The default is reported to credit bureaus, damaging your credit rating and affecting your ability to buy a car or house or to get a credit card.
In some professions, being in default can result in loss of professional license.
For more information on defaulted federal loans, click here: http://studentaid.gov/manage-loans/default
Related Questions
Another way to get out of default is to repay the defaulted loan in full, but that's not a practical option for most borrowers. There are two additional ways to get out of default if Fresh Start and full repayment are not options and they are: rehabilitating your loan(s) and consolidating your loan(s).
For assistance in getting out of default in Federal and Private Education Loans, our Alumni Support Center is here to help! Calling 1-866-508-0748 Option 7 or emailing alumnisupport@xyschool.net will start the process.
Most dependent undergraduate students are eligible for up to $31,000 in federal loan funding.
Graduate students are eligible for up to $138,500 in federal loan Funding. This amount will also include any loans taken out in your undergraduate career. For example, as a student you borrowed $12,300. This means you would have $126,200 remaining to use in a graduate program.
If you have reached the maximum, you can pay down your loans to become eligible for more loan funding.
To track the amount of loan funding you have used, please utilize the National Student Data System: http://nslds.ed.gov/nslds/nslds_SA/
I am the parent and have questions
For more information on FERPA use this link: http://www2.ed.gov/ferpa
Federal Parent PLUS loans are not awarded based on the student's financial need and are only awarded after the parent applies for them. Borrowers will need to complete a credit check to qualify for a PLUS loan. For more information regarding eligibility, interest rates, origination fees, repayment, loan limits, and other requirements for borrowing PLUS loans please visit the following: http://studentaid.ed.gov/types/loans/plus
Related Questions
However, if we do not have a FERPA on file, we are not allowed to give them any information on the student's account. We can only give them general information and answer questions that pertain to only their portion.
They will need to know the following information:
1. Student Name (that matches our records)
2. Student ID#
3. Amount to pay
They can mail a check to:
Herzing University
C/O Student Accounts
275 W. Wisconsin Avenue Suite #210
Milwaukee, WI 53203
Please keep in mind that mailing a check takes longer to process than using the payment portal.
On the FAFSA you will select " Foreign Country" from the dropdown menu that asks about the parents' state of legal residence.
In the tax information section, you’ll have the opportunity to indicate that they have filed their taxes. Then, when the FAFSA form asks whether your parents filed a Puerto Rican or foreign tax return, select “Yes." You will need to convert the amounts on the foreign tax return into U.S. dollars as directed by the FAFSA help.
Related Questions
If your parent doesn’t have a Social Security number (SSN), you’ll need to enter all zeros without dashes (000000000) in the parent SSN section on your FAFSA form.
Also, a parent who doesn’t have an SSN can’t create an account username and password (FSA ID) or complete their part of the FAFSA form online. They can sign the FAFSA form only if you print a signature page. To do this, select “Print Signature Page” on the “My FAFSA” or “Signature Status” page, sign and have your parent sign, then mail it to the address listed on the page. Your FAFSA form will be processed once the signature page is received.
I have questions payments
Herzing recommends that students use the payment portal http://secure.xyschool.net and sign up for auto-withdrawal since this is the safest and most reliable way to make payments. It is important to note the payment portal is not linked to your student account, so you will need to know the amount to pay before heading to this site.
If you wish to mail a check, please send it to:
Herzing University
c/o Student Accounts
275 W. Wisconsin Avenue Suite #210
Milwaukee, WI 53203
Related Questions
AutoPays include any scheduled payments, including scheduled one-time payments and scheduled payment cycles.
On the Manage AutoPay page, you can view existing active AutoPays and AutoPays that you have previously canceled.
To edit existing active AutoPays on this page, click Edit next to the corresponding feature (Amount, Frequency, Payment Method) you would like to change or update.
To cancel an AutoPay altogether, click on Cancel AutoPay.
1 - Tuition - This option is used for general payment plans
2- Enrollment Fee - This option is for new students; this fee is waived and not being charged to students
To change your password, login into your account, select My Profile on the left hand side of the page and click on the Change Password tab.
Type in your new password and confirm your password by typing it in a second time.
Please note: Passwords must:
· Contain between 8 – 20 characters.
· Begin with a letter or number.
· Include at least 1 UPPERCASE letter.
· Include at least 1 lowercase letter.
· Include at least 1 number.
· Include at least one of the following allowable special characters: #, $, @, _!. Other special characters are not permitted for security reasons.
Enter your Name, Address, and Contact Information, and click Submit Registration.
Once registered, Create a password and hit Save
Please note: Passwords must:
· Contain between 8 – 20 characters.
· Begin with a letter or number.
· Include at least 1 UPPERCASE letter.
· Include at least 1 lowercase letter.
· Include at least 1 number.
· Include at least one of the following allowable special characters: #, $, @, _!. Other special characters are not permitted for security reasons.
Once the account is successfully registered, you will be taken to the payment portal, where you can make a one-time payment, make recurring autopayments, view payment history, and more.
1. Complete the registration, if not already completed.
2. Select Make a Payment from your Dashboard
3. Select Schedule AutoPay
4. Select a Start Date (when you would like your AutoPay to begin) by clicking on the calendar icon
5. Use the radio button to determine whether you would like to be automatically debited for your full balance, or whether you would like to schedule a fixed payment amount
6. Select the Frequency of your AutoPay (how often you would like your payment to be automatically debited from your account)
7. Select an End Date (when you would like your AutoPay cycle to end) - If you do not select an end date, the payments will keep coming out until you cancel the auto payments.
8. If you are scheduling an AutoPay with a fixed payment amount, use the check boxes to determine what category/ categories you would like the AutoPay to include and input the amount if necessary
9. Click Select your payment method
10. Use an existing card or add a new card by selecting Add New Card
11. Once you have selected a payment method, click Review and Approve
12. Review your payment details and either Go back and edit your payment or click Approve Payment to finalize your AutoPay
Failure to make a payment can result in you being unable to attend classes due to a lock on your account.
If you are receiving Payment Reminder, Past Due Payment Reminder, or Lockout Warning emails, and you think these emails are being sent in error, please contact your financial aid advisor right away.
On-time payments throughout the life of your payment plan may also result in a one-time Financial Responsibility scholarship paid in your last semester of up to $1,000.00. More information on this scholarship can be found here: http://pab1.xyschool.net/tuition-financial-aid/types-financial-aid/scholarships-grants
Sometimes a payment plan can be added to an account due to schedule changes, loan availability, grant availability, etc. If we had to add a payment plan to your account, it will be located in the document section of your financial aid portal.
If you do not see a payment plan in the document section, you do not have a payment plan.
If you are receiving Payment Reminder, Past Due Payment Reminder, or Lockout Warning emails, and you think these emails are being sent in error, please contact your financial aid advisor right away.
If you are taking out loans, you will have a balance owed to your lender, and this balance will increase each semester that you take out a loan.
I have questions about a refund or stipend
The first is when a student has requested additional funding to help pay for school-related expenses and the stipend is issued to the student within 14 days from when there is a credit on the account.
The second way is if the student did not request additional funding and they did not fill out the Title IV Authorization form. If this is the case, please contact your Financial Aid Advisor to discuss solutions.
Related Questions
They will check the bank to make sure the check has not been cashed and then request you to complete a Check Re-Issue form through your portal.
Certain Herzing scholarships offered to students require that students limit their borrowing to cover direct tuition and fee expenses only. This means excess funding for expenses outside of those direct charges are limited when opting to receive these scholarships. For a list of Herzing scholarships that require this direct packaging, visit http://pab1.xyschool.net/tuition-financial-aid/types-financial-aid/scholarships-grants.
Excess funds created by grant funding, such as the Federal Pell Grant will always be sent to you, and scholarship eligibility will not be lost. If you wish to receive a stipend from loans, you will need to discuss with your financial aid advisor how to remove the scholarship from your account. Please be advised once the scholarship is removed from your account, you can never get it back.
With VRRAP funds, Herzing is paid 50% at the beginning of the program, 25% at graduation and 25% once employment is secured. The stipend will be released within 14 days of the federal funding being paid to the school. This is the only case where a stipend is released to the student without there being a credit on the account due to the nature of how VRRAP funding pays to the school.
These expenses include but are not limited to, purchasing a new computer, school supplies, textbooks, additional scrubs for an externship, software programs, internet, off-campus housing, or transportation to and from school or externship.
Expenses not included would be vacation expenses, holiday gifts, etc.
Once BankMobile is notified, they will send you an email and a letter with instructions on how to set up the direct deposit. If Herzing sends the funds to BankMobile before you set up your account, you will be notified via email and text that you need to set up your account.
This can happen if the student has withdrawn from a course or the university and it has caused a change in the cost of tuition or fees. The loans will be returned to the lender to reduce the student's overall loan balance.
If this happens to a loan, that portion of the loan acts like it never existed. There are no fees attached and any interest accrued on that portion of the loan goes away.
I have questions about my financial aid and my schedule/enrollment
Federal regulations require the University to establish, publish, and apply standards to monitor your progress toward completing your degree program. If you fail to meet the SAP standards, you will be placed on financial aid warning or suspension.
For more information on Herzing's Satisfactory Academic Progress standards, click here: http://catalog.xyschool.net/content.php?catoid=60&navoid=3544#satisfactory-academic-progress
Related Questions
When you are placed in the Academic Warning status, your financial aid will be canceled for future semesters and will not be reinstated until you have successfully appealed to remain in the program.
Please keep an eye on your Herzing Email for the steps needed to appeal your SAP status.
If you add a course to your schedule, your tuition for that semester will go up based on the individual cost per credit.
If you drop a course before you start attending it, the tuition cost will adjust down based on the individual cost per credit. If you drop a course after you start attending, the full cost of the course will remain on your account.
Related Questions
Rescheduling the course may result in a tuition change and lengthening your time before graduation.
When enrolled in a graduate/professional degree you must have 3 or more credits scheduled in a semester.
Identified transfer credits can only officially be conferred and be posted to a student's account once we receive the official transcripts.
Sometimes it may leave a balance on a student's account. If this happens, we will work with you on a financial plan.
If you need to take a break from the University, tuition and fee adjustments happen in a similar way to withdrawing from the school. One big difference is that you will come back on a date that is pre-determined with your Student Services Advisor.
If the break happens at the end of the semester, there is no proration of tuition and fees. However, if you need to take the break after the semester starts, we will take the number of days you have attended the classes and apply the tuition and fees based on the number of days, not the whole semester.
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If you wish to return to Herzing after withdrawing, your financial aid advisor will work out the options for covering the balance with you.
Tuition Invoice
How do I get a tuition statement or invoice?
They will include the course Name, Number, Date, cost, and payment method. You can make a request for grades to be recorded as well.
Call or email your financial aid advisor or campus location to request a tuition statement or invoice. Depending on the current demand for tuition statements and invoices, it can take up to 3-5 business days.
Many employers require students to submit proof that their tuition has been paid before they reimburse the student.
I have questions about tuition and charges
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A disbursement is when your selected funding is paid to the school and applied to your student account.
Once you accept your financial aid funding package and begin classes, your financial aid money will be applied to your account at Herzing University to cover the cost of tuition and fees. This generally happens about 10 days after classes have started.
This link will provide you with the estimated dates for the federal funds to be disbursed: http://pab1.xyschool.net/disbursement-schedules.
Funding outside of Federal sources from the FAFSA has different dates and ways of disbursing. Please refer back to your financial aid advisor for more information.
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The responsibility for any balance on your account is the student's. Your Financial Aid Advisor will discuss all possible payment options, including cash or credit card, employer tuition reimbursement, military benefits, or scholarships.
You can also view your specific charges through your individual student account portal through the student records section and on your offer letter sent to your Herzing email.
Related Questions
• Enrollment Fee
• Learner Resource Fee (LRF)
• Program Fee
For all other fees, Please refer to the fee schedule: http://pab1.xyschool.net/fee-schedule
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After opting out, if you wish to receive your textbooks again from Herzing, we can reverse it. Please get in touch with your advisor to add the textbooks back in.
1- Click on "Student Records"
2- On the left-hand side, click on "Student Accounts"
3- Click on "Account Information"
4- Find "Account Details" to see your account information.
Make sure that your selected enrollment is set to "All."
Estimate your costs using our friendly Tuition Wizard http://pab1.xyschool.net/tuition-wizard. It's simple - choose a program and location; you can even enter potential transfer credits for an estimated cost reduction.
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Use the drop-down menu next to “Course” to select the appropriate course number, then click “Add to My Course List”.
When complete – click “Review My Materials” to view and either select or decline all items attached to that course.
VA Benefits
I have questions about VA Benefits
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For chapter benefits that go to the student directly, the VA pays benefits at the beginning of every month for the prior month's enrollment.
For Federal Tuition Assistance that comes to the school, the individual branch of service will pay tuition and fees after Herzing invoices, which is after the start of each term.
1- Certificate of Eligibility (COE)
2 -Transcripts from all previous institutions and military training
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If you believe you may be eligible for Federal Tuition Assistance or would like to find out, please contact your education officer.
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1) Visit www.VA.gov to apply for an updated COE
2) Call the VA Hotline 888-GIBILL-1
If you are an existing student, we will work to certify benefits leading up to the start of classes, but may sometimes take a little longer.
I need help through the Herzing student websites
The first option is to click "forgot password" on the login screen.
The second is to go to the account settings in the main Herzing Student Resource page, choose the "account details and activity" option, then click "change now" where you see "Password Expires On."
Make sure the academic year reflects the date range of the semester you are looking for.
You will need to accept all Subsidized loan funding before accepting any Unsubsidized loan funding.
Click on review and update under the Subsidized Loan. Then choose "accept full gross amount" or specify an amount and click save changes.
After clicking on "Student Records" you will be asked to log in again.
Once you log in, on the left-hand side you will see the words "Student Accounts". Click here and you will have access to the student account section
In the Financial Aid section of the Financial Aid Portal, the Academic Year area is the third block down. The Academic Year area will reflect the Program Name and a 2-semester indication. There is a little downward arrow/carrot/upside-down triangle at the far right. Clicking there will allow you to change the semester and also show the words Past, Current, and Future. Choosing the semester range will change the Academic Year on that screen.
The first is by looking in the Financial Aid Portal. Under the financial aid section, click on "view details" under the fund source you wish, then click on the semester we are currently in. If the fund source says "paid" it means that it has come into the school. If it says "scheduled" it means that the fund source is still pending.
The second place is in the student records section by going to the student account area. Click on Account Information then Account details will show you your student account, or ledger, at Herzing. The funds will show here 24 hours after you see it paid in your financial aid portal.
Finally, each time a federal loan pays out to your student account you will receive a disbursement notification through your Herzing Email. This will tell you the funds have come into the school.
On this site you will see your financial aid offers and financial aid package. You can submit documentation requested to get financial aid and you can find all sorts of useful terminology and links to help understand your financial aid.